Detective Black
In this thrilling 70s/2010s Action-Comedy, Detective Black takes on a ruthless crime syndicate that’s wreaking havoc in the city. With a blend of humor and high-stakes action, he navigates a world of corruption and chaos to bring the villains to justice and save all Black Women.
Created, Written, and Produced by:
Julius Stukes Jr. and Julian Stephen
Directed by: Julian Stephen
Edited by: Julius Stukes Jr. and Jomo Farrier
Detective Black: Julius Stukes Jr.
Chief Taurian: Taurian Blakeney
Officer Coffee: Justin Gerard
Damsel Washington: Junae Brown
Kitty Cheeks: Alexa Leighton
Bodega Kat: Kar Logan
Soundtrack Album by: Jus Smith
(The Julius Cut)
The Soundtrack Album
Produced by
Directed by
Written by
Edited by
Julius Stukes Jr.
While looking for directions at a Brooklyn train station, a woman gets caught up with two sex traffickers whose lives will permanently be changed.
Adisa Sobers - DP, Story Writer, Colorist
Trequan Love - Master of Sound
Tabia Wood - Vampire
Ira Bond - Sex Trafficker 1
Anthony Heron - Sex Trafficker 2
Tyreek Peyton - Voice of the City
Daniel Aviles - Voice of the Damned
Delana Blount - Voice of the Victims
Ebbony Pinillos - Voice of the Savior